Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 279 times.
why donut mod 4 wasn't released yet ?
Posted on (4 years ago)
Donut Team is focusing on other stuff right now.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
Ruan the Jager, download the mod again and the problem is gone.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
Yeah, I had just discovered about that. A fix for that is now available. I'm really sorry for all these issues...
Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher 1.23.12 is now available
Posted on (4 years ago)
Is this 1.23.10 or 1.23.11? It appears as 1.23.11 in the downloads page and the ZIP is called so.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
I'm really sorry. A fixed version is now available. Hope there's no more crash due to my dumbness.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
The issue is now fixed. New version available for download.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
I don't really know what is causing this. Going to try and fix it later.
Beta Restoration 6.0.3 - March 12th Fix
Posted on (4 years ago)
Final version released! Watch the main thread for the changelog. Edit - I don't really know why someone downvotes this.
Roofed Family Sedan (Donut Mod Version)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Hi, sorry for bumping this, but there is another little bug: the car's far camera is broken. It is the same as the near camera. Can you please fix this?
Donut Mod 4: The Anniversary Update (4.0-L2PB6)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Happy anniversary! When is level 4 or at least level 3 public beta coming?