Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 279 times.
Mod Bakery: Discussion & Questions
Posted on (5 years ago)
Jake, why are you referring to yourself in third person here? "Migration will probably be manual I imagine (though Jake might have a different idea in mind)" However, what will remain on the main site after Mod Bakery will be opened?
Futurama: Hit & Run
Posted on (5 years ago)
Will, It has been a very long time since we heard from you last time! WeIcome back! I'd be happy to be the mod's artist. I am very good with creating front end, skyboxes, and graphics in general.
Donut Mod 4: General Discussion (Level 1 Public Beta; Updated June 21st, 2019)
Posted on (5 years ago)
Why do you have removed the custom stonecutters music?
Thank You: 10,000 Community Members
Posted on (5 years ago)
You may create a list of the stuff you want to release this year, like you did some years ago.
Danny's Beta Restoration (v3.1)
Posted on (5 years ago)
@Femenia, can you give me the beta icons you said you have?
Danny's Beta Restoration (v3.1)
Posted on (5 years ago)
DeepFriedBurger Is now parte of the developing team! Stay tuned for more info.
Beta Features Mod (Poll Closed)
Posted on (5 years ago)
Femenia, i'm just reading the messages, and i'd like to have those icons. DM me on discord (if you have) to give them to me. DeepFriedBurger Yeah,i know, it's just very hard to see. However, this is an old thread, so Femenia, please send me a link to the beta icons on the new thread:
Danny's Beta Restoration (v3.1)
Posted on (5 years ago)
I think the blow-up doll doesn't have a bug, it's just a hard-code in the Simpsons.exe that prevennts the model from loading.
Danny's Beta Restoration (v3.1)
Posted on (5 years ago)
Yeah, the only gags that seem to work are the bird/bat crow gag and the merry-go-round gag. The Others don't work.