Forum topic replies
Dean has posted 283 times.
How to make level darker?
Posted on (4 years ago)
It is a matter of vertex colours. The only way to have a "darker" level is to manually export and edit every chunk in Blender (very long) or just use a night level as base (easier but boring as it crashes the game very often).
SHAR Multiplayer Servers?
Posted on (4 years ago)
Mamimho123, não pode criar servidores. E não responda a tópicos antigos como este.
How to easily get tons of upvotes in your posts and increase your karma in Donut Team
Posted on (4 years ago)
Pretty sure this is the only way.
Level 8 - The Next Day (Cancelled)
Posted on (5 years ago)
I have added additional information on rewards, as well as a new logo banner!
Level 8 - The Next Day (Cancelled)
Posted on (5 years ago)
Thank you for your advice, MAFFY. I will keep an eye on these suggestions, especially on the plot.
Level 8 - The Next Day (Cancelled)
Posted on (5 years ago)
I am really sorry for the bad gaming experience the demo offered. More information about the renewed developing in the main thread.
Some Challenge Mod
Posted on (5 years ago)
Ruan De Jager, please stop bumping threads that are old and clearly discontinued.