Forum topic replies
duffhause has posted 135 times.
RolePlay Expansion Mod- ask
Posted on (4 years ago)
Unfortuantely atm there is not a way to have missions on multiplayer, its purely freeroam and roleplay. The closest thing to any sort of game mode to my knowdlege is the boxing day mod I think Colou is working on some sort of prop hunt mod but idk if hes still working on that. Blenders minimum reuqi...
RolePlay Expansion Mod- ask
Posted on (4 years ago)
There is not actually that much coding in making car and charcter packs if any, At first it takes a while but once you get the hang of it you can rig a charcter for the game to use in about 5 minutes, as xUnknown said its very possible and reasonable with the tutorials that exist. Maybe this is what...
Ooze & Booze in Springfield (Campaign Mod Announcement)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Looks very nice, looking forward to playing it
Retiring as a modder
Posted on (4 years ago)
Don’t be too hard on yourself, what is wrong with experimenting with new ideas to try and make something original? Its disheartening yet understandable why you want to break off from modding. It has been great working with you for the past 2 years, and weve both learnt things from eachother and glad...
Removed follow vehicle limits in certain missions
Posted on (4 years ago)
Here you go :) No Follow Conditions Image unavailable due to changes with Discord's CDN
Custom Collision
Posted on (4 years ago)
You need to copy and paste a static physics chunk and edit that The Collision Vertex Centre is the centre of the collision. You move that to move everything. Rotate it by right clicking on the Collision Orientated Bounding Box. Edit the size by selecting the Collision Orientated Bounding Box and cha...
Boxing Day
Posted on (4 years ago)
Some people are having issues running this in sharmp 32. I dont know why this wasnt discovered sooner. Jake doesnt want sharmp33 to be linked on the website for now so you will need to find a mirror for it. You can dm me on discord to get a link.
Cops: in Springfield (1.1.1)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Follow this guide How do I extract .ZIP, .RAR and .7z files?
Con modifier
Posted on (4 years ago)
Oh nice, would be better if it used percentages because then alll the speedrunners can make their cars like 2% faster