Forum topic replies
John has posted 29 times.
I have a .p3d of Kang or Kodos, please can someone fix the skeletal joints and smoothen the transparent space helmet
Posted on (1 year ago)
Oh ok, sorry I thought it was legit
PatchApr1 - The removal of Apu
Posted on (1 year ago)
Did you do this out of racism? Or just because you want to fit in with the showrunners?
Do you know how to change the model of a car with p3d editor?
Posted on (1 year ago)
But the bigger the car the longer it takes to edit. Every single vertices needs to be triangular not squared
Do you know how to change the model of a car with p3d editor?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Open the car file with Lucas Pure3D Editor 4.5. For example if you want to edit the Hover Car open it and import/replace frinkv_Shape
How do you edit the files "Data1" and "Data2"?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Not gonna lie, no one should have the right to not allow other people to decompile it. Just because it's a mod they made, doesn't mean they own it! Unless it's the person who actually made the software like Lucas, or the people who own Disney/Fox
How do you edit the files "Data1" and "Data2"?
Posted on (2 years ago)
OTOTC is one of them, I'm trying to find what the other one is
Level 7 Rich Side Restoration WITH the Human Cemetery Gates open and no invisible wall on either side
Posted on (2 years ago)