Forum topic replies
Yzma has posted 117 times.
Skinner's Taxi New Update
Posted on (5 years ago)
Looking forward to your story mods, just don't copy other mods, be original, that's what makes a mod awesome. Keep up the good work and practice!
Skinner's Taxi New Update
Posted on (5 years ago)
I made it earlier this week, but good work, with enough practice you can make some awesome sh*t.
How can i create a car?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Usually and recommended is to start with in-game car and just remodel it. If you're curious, here's what I've done so far: To remodel the cars I suggest using blender. Tho without any experience I wouldn't recommend messing with it.
[Beta Tester Limit Reached] Nerdy Madness - A Very Generic Mod
Posted on (6 years ago)
I would also test it.
[CLOSED] Storm Over Springfield - Beta Testers Wanted!
Posted on (6 years ago)
I could. I'm an observer so I notice every (well most) flaws.
CONTEST - Submit one tough vehicle for my Metal & Scrap Coliseum map!
Posted on (6 years ago)
Some Suggestions......
Posted on (6 years ago)
Why would they need to release a Donut Mod 2 when Donut Mod 4 is a work in progress already? The whole point of versions is that the gameplay gets improved. Why would anyone play a lamer version of the game, when the latest is most improved so far? Furthermore, it's not for you to decide how the web...