Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
What is the Bomb symbol
Posted on (2 years ago)
It means the active session has explosions enabled. You can enable that in the launcher on the Mutators page.
Super Mario 64
Posted on (2 years ago)
Dynamic Tuning
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there! I appreciate your feedback, I will look into the family sedan & see if I can make driving it seem a little better (if you could tell me your exact settings, that would help so much.) I am currently working on a full remake of this (I already got new code working) to make the code way easie...
How Has Everyone Been?
Posted on (2 years ago)
It's been pretty alright here. Best & quickest way of saying it is just that I'm living. Not the best, though not the worst. This whole period of time brought (me personally) both nice & bad events. Regarding projects, I have two things that I hope to show off soon (one of them is Halloween themed)...
Meta.Ini problem
Posted on (2 years ago)
Please don't make so many threads on a single matter, you could've just replied to your first thread instead. The problem is, you just renamed a text (.txt) file to "Meta.ini.txt", but your file extensions are disabled so you don't see the last part of it. Enable your file extensions & then change ....
Exporting models to Blender and giving them texture
Posted on (2 years ago)
What Blender version are you using? If you're on a 2.9+ version, refer to this link. Otherwise, download it from the mod bakery. Once you're done setting up the addon, right click your Mesh chunk and click "Export Model XML..." to save your mesh. Then, in Blender, click on File -> Import -> Lucas' P...
How to make a game world?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Making a custom map would require you to know a bunch of things, mainly about P3D files, how they work & how to use Blender. You can find more information on this page. 3D editing. You should probably check out Colou's Fully Connected Map & how it was made.
cant download the pickle mod
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there, currently we don't have any host for the Pickle Mod that is accessible through our site, however here is a Google Drive link hosted by the mod author. I hope this helps you out! In addition, the Safety Tunnel flagged the website you were trying to access because of the reasons you mentione...
Here's how to use a PS4 controller with the game
Posted on (2 years ago)
Please don't bump old threads. I'm closing this because it's 2 years old and really doesn't serve any point. Email me at or message me on discord at maz#4790 if you want it unlocked.