Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Nissan S15 Custom (with Dynamic Tuning)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Lovely, I'm glad to see this put into good use!
How to create a custom car
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, yes it is possible! Simply edit the level's initialization script (i.e. scripts/missions/level01/leveli.mfk) and change the number in the "SetNumChaseCars()" command. Also, since this question isn't quite related to the topic, I recommend you join our Discord for other questions like th...
Starwars Lightsabers mod v1
Posted on (2 years ago)
Beta Restore Testers Wanted
Posted on (2 years ago)
This thread is about 3 years now, I don't think it's being worked on, anymore. Please don't bump old & inactive threads
My Friend needs help.
Posted on (2 years ago)
If the error below occurs, tell your friend to enter the "DLLs" folder in multiplayer's directory & delete "cacert.pem". Unable to connect to Donut Team. Failed to connect: LucasStuff.Radical.Simpsons.HitAndRun.ModLauncherSupport.CURL+Exception: CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE
Anyone wanna play SHARMP?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there & welcome! The best place to ask people to play multiplayer with you is our Discord server, people are way more active in there and there's even a channel dedicated to multiplayer. People that play multiplayer rarely check the forum, so I suggest you join our server. Also, keep in mind, mul...
Fiat Punto GT (1993)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Great! Very underrated car, I have one in GTA Online & I love it endlessly.