Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Missions and related materials not showing up when I load mods
Posted on (2 years ago)
Is one of the mods "Fully Connected Map" by Colou? If so, read the description of that mod, it currently has no missions. Otherwise, check if you have the "Free Roam" hack/setting enabled in your Mod Launcher.
Posted on (2 years ago)
Add the following block to your mod's Meta.ini file: RequiredFramework=AdditionalCharacters
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there! This mod isn't one you enable in your mod launcher & instead is just a framework, which you require inside your own mods.
Simpsons' Family Wagon
Posted on (2 years ago)
Some mods overwrite files from the original game in order to work. If two mods overwrite the same file, they will conflict with each other & the launcher won't allow you to start the game.
How can I make pedestrians chase me?
Posted on (2 years ago)
I suggest you play around with it & see. I wish I could give you a proper answer, but I haven't got the chance to play around with it myself yet.
Restore Music
Posted on (2 years ago)
Sounds like you downloaded a cracked version, which just comes like that (no music and slightly lower quality sounds). I recommend you buy an original version from this page.
Custom Character & Maps in Multiplayer SHAR
Posted on (2 years ago)
You can play mods in SHAR MP by simply dragging their .lmlm file in the executable.
please help me
Posted on (2 years ago)
The original version of that mod isn't available anymore I believe. But I know somebody is working on a new version of that from time to time, so stay around! Also, I changed your post to match the appropriate flair & board
What programs do you need to create your first mod?
Posted on (2 years ago)
To create a mod, you don't need much besides the Mod Launcher (and maybe a text editor because Microsoft's notepad is kind of bad) - I recommend Notepad++ or Visual Studio. However, to edit files, you need a lot of tools. You can find most of them in the tools section on Mod Bakery.