Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Itchy & Scratchy: Content Fillers (Mod Jam 2022 Submission)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hey there! First I want to thank you for the time you took to write this, it's always nice to see some feedback! The models for Itchy & Scratchy come from this framework, Borb and I made them! I could quickly put together a mod that replaces Homer & Bart with the two when I get at my PC if you'd lik...
Any modding tutorials?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, and welcome! Yes, there are a bunch of tutorials on the site, and you can check them out here! I can recommend a few that you'll most likely need through your modding journey: 1) Creating: Missions Cars Movies (Or FMV's/Cutscenes) 2) Adding: Music Dialogue 3) Advanced: Level swapping I...
Dynamic Tuning
Posted on (2 years ago)
That's something I've been thinking about, however I decided against it, because it would require me to edit every texture for each color, which would increase the file size by much. Recently however, the idea got back to me and I plan to give each car a set of 4-5 paintjobs, one of which will also...
Tuesday Topics #41: Summer Kick-Off
Posted on (2 years ago)
Should be fixed now, thanks for pointing that out
How Do I Change The Music To The Street Race Missions Bonus Missions and Hit And Run Music
Posted on (2 years ago)
Colou made an in-depth tutorial on how to do it, you can find it here. Also, I had your topic changed to the appropriate board.
no found simpson.exe
Posted on (2 years ago)
Do you have the game? If not, I suggest you buy it from Amazon.
Multi-Meme v1.5 - Release
Posted on (2 years ago)
There's only one server, however people may not always be online or they're online using different mutators or mods. You can check this page to see all currently online players (if they didn't tick their "hide" box on).
The game stops at a point on the map
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there, I managed to fix the crash for you and also got rid of a few (apparently) useless files. You can download the fix here. It was caused by the male5_m.p3d file, which I removed completely.
The game stops at a point on the map
Posted on (2 years ago)
This file is not decompilable so I can't really open it. I did get a crash, but it led me nowhere. Could you add the following block to your "Meta.ini" and recompile the mod then send it to me? Decompilable=1