Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
The game stops at a point on the map
Posted on (2 years ago)
Does that happen without any mods enabled? If not, could you send me your mod or a crash dump?
The game stops at a point on the map
Posted on (2 years ago)
Could you send a link to your crash dump? Also may I ask what modifications did you make? Anything collision related?
I was banned from Discord for a scam that I didn't commit
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there, you were banned to prevent your account from further interaction with our server and members. I got your message in DM's and had your account unbanned. Next time try and be more careful, don't trust any nitro links on Discord :)
Dear Beloved Springfield. (work in progress)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Please refrain from bumping threads. The author of the thread was last active 3 years ago and this thread had no activity since. I will lock this, if by any chance the creator sees this and wants me to unlock it, here's my contact: Discord - @maz#4790
Hello, chat here
Posted on (2 years ago)
I'm not sure why you're bringing it up on this thread. I have seen it at the time it was posted but I was unable to reply at the moment. Add this to your Meta.ini RequiredHack=CustomAnimationSetSupport Next time, please keep the question to the original thread.
Hello, chat here
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, welcome to our forums! If you would like to have a chat, you could use our Discord server (which I see you joined), it is way more recommended than using the forums because you can reach out to people quicker. We usually use the forums to post mods or other matters such as bugs related...
SHAR MP With Mods
Posted on (2 years ago)
Most mods should work in multiplayer, although without their missions.
Black screen when trying to start the game
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there, what Operating System are you running the game on? Are you using the mod launcher? - If so, you should join our Discord Server and get the fix from there. Let me know if this helps!
my phone booth is not working
Posted on (2 years ago)
Could you please elaborate? To properly add a car to the phonebooth, you must follow the syntax Radical left as a comment in rewards.mfk BindReward( <name>, <filename>, <reward type>, "forsale", <level>, <coin cost>, <seller> ); In your case, it should be: BindReward( "fone_v", "art\cars\fone_v.p3d"...