Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Favorite S.H.A.R Mods?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there! There are a bunch of different mods people enjoy differently, kind of depends on you. For mission mods, my personal favorites are Colou's Storm Over Springfield and Borb's Easter mod 2. I also enjoy some that aren't just mission mods, which are Tay's Slender: The Eight Pages and my own Dyn...
Game never progresses past first screen
Posted on (2 years ago)
Are you trying to run the game on Windows 11? If so, you should join our Discord Server and get the fix from there. Let me know how it goes!
a few "free cars" on same level
Posted on (2 years ago)
Ooh, this is nice. Are they actually bonus vehicles or are they loaded by mission? I recall there being a way to load "OTHER" vehicles at the same time as "DEFAULT" ones.
Game never progresses past first screen
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, welcome! Are you using the mod launcher to run the game? Also check if you have the console on, disabling it sometimes helps.
Animation help
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, welcome! As far as I know the jaw movement is hardcoded unfortunately, there isn't really a way to change it, although you can remove it by changing the skeleton joint (and the vertex groups) to something else.
Slender: The Eight Pages mod v1.0
Posted on (2 years ago)
Lmao your mods never fail to impress me, there's no words to how much I like this