Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Crash Reports
Posted on (2 years ago)
A friend helped me install it, but that's as much as I can say. Also, how can I reinstall the game? Do you still have the installer? You should be able to uninstall your current game & just install it again. Yes, you certainly can. Go in the main directory of the game & backup your save file somewhe...
Crash Reports
Posted on (2 years ago)
Unfortunately, the "non-specific" error is the one you're getting, which is pddiRect::operator. If I'm not mistaken, it's a failure of the engine which can be caused by multiple things. I recommend you try a fresh reinstall of the game & see if the same happens. May I ask if your game is a crack or...
Hell Inspector's Mod of Stupidity (Ver 1.1)
Posted on (2 years ago)
I don't know the exact stage number, but it was right as I was collecting bunnies in the power plant screen froze for a bit so I managed to get a screenshot of it. EDIT: Idk if this is helpful or not, but I reset my car when touching the burns mansion door & it reset me on an unloaded region of the...
Crash Reports
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there & welcome! May I ask if the crashes also happen without any hacks and mods enabled? Also, does the game throw any errors? If you could do the following things, it could help finding out what the issue is: 1) Enable developer tools: A bunch of our hacks allow the user to keep the track of wh...
Hell Inspector's Mod of Stupidity (Ver 1.1)
Posted on (2 years ago)
10/10 Gromit voice acting. For some reason, the game crashed on the 6th mission, though I don't know exactly why, since the crash dump I got isn't very helpful. Other than that, very great experience, I loved it :fas-arrow-circle-up:
Level 7 Rich Side Restoration WITH the Human Cemetery Gates open and no invisible wall on either side
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi, I want to let you know that for mod showcases, you're required to upload a screenshot of your mod (you can use either or to upload) so the users know what they're dealing with. Example: As for the link, I recommend you format the url to display a hyperlink instead of a link, fo...
horrible loading for base game
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there, running the game without the mod launcher isn't recommended. The mod launcher offers a lot of QOL features, settings & best of all, as it's name suggests, supports mods. You can download it from it's official download on Mod Bakery!
How do you removal the invisible walls on both sides of the human cemetery in levels 1 and 4?
Posted on (2 years ago)
I am not really sure, if you could send me that file, that would help. I am not home now, but I will check it once am.
How do you removal the invisible walls on both sides of the human cemetery in levels 1 and 4?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Remove the respective "Fence" chunks from the terra file(s). You can use Lucas' Map Data Viewer to view chunks by their index & delete the ones you want to get rid of.