Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Character pack - future versions
Posted on (2 years ago)
I really love these, especially Otto & Kearney. Such a good share!
I am sorry for uploading weird stuff on here.
Posted on (2 years ago)
No worries, we all make mistakes sometimes. If you'd like me to close both this topic and the previous one, let me know in a reply below! Also make sure to read the community guidelines if you're confused about what you should or should not post on the forum.
Wait WHAT?
Posted on (2 years ago)
I'm a little confused about the purpose of this post, anyhow, if anybody in the future comes across this and is confused about what is shown in the video, check out this page, it has a list of every cheat code in the game, including character swapping.
Character Swap (Character Swap Plus Plus now available!)
Posted on (3 years ago)
This mod is compatible with the Fully Connected Map (& maybe more than just that). Only one issue currently - the skin changer is only behind the backyard of the Simpsons house.
Lucas mod launcher
Posted on (3 years ago)
As TheHomerOfSteel said, yes it is possible to. Here is the link for the said Save State Launcher. It is quite old, though, it shouldn't really matter for speedrunning.
Searching for a Mod!
Posted on (3 years ago)
I believe that mod is private? I haven't ever seen it before to be honest.
How Can I make custom Map?
Posted on (3 years ago)
As EnAppelsin pointed out in the Discord server, yes it is quite difficult. You must be very familiar with the P3D Editor and Blender.
Can I translate some mods or the launcher in french?
Posted on (3 years ago)
I'm not sure. There are a lot of people playing the French version of the game (same for the other languages) so maybe there might be some people.
Can I translate some mods or the launcher in french?
Posted on (3 years ago)
If you'd like to translate any mods in french, asking the authors of the said mods is the way to go. As long as you have their permission, you're allowed to post them in here as well. As for translating the mod launcher, you should check out this page. It gives an explanation on how translating the...
What is happening to me?
Posted on (3 years ago)
The issue should be now fixed! Thanks for reporting it to us.