Published by mazexz

Learn about aMazing things like who won the Thanksgive-a-thon Contest and take a look into Donut Mod 3's code officially for the first time.


Ahoy! It's-a-me, Maz, the sinister looking wagon!

This week I am taking you through a journey on the unknown, I mean through the Donut Team Kitchen.

We're not baking any mods yet so don't get THAT excited. This week we're baking the results for our Thanksgive-a-thon contest and a special release.

Contest Results

First Place

idelww with the Thanksgiving characters and cars pack!

This little pack features two characters and two vehicles for everybody to use.

The characters fit Radical's style, they look really great and they fit in the theme really well!

The creator isn't quite an active indiviual, in fact really inactive, but their creation was really well done. Looking forward to see them around more!

Second Place

Wavebird with, of course, the Turkey Sedan!

Too strong. We couldn't stop him. His mod features a "Turkey Colored Sedan" as the description says, but I think there was a flag too.

I call this misadvertising!

Wavebird seems to post mods from time to time, all plan of his magic tricks! I'm all in to know what he's cooking..

Third Place

AndrewHarris109 with Happy Pranksgiving!

A nice campaign mod, featuring Bart & his mischievous plans for the Thanksgiving, hope it's not too much spoiler.

Andrew surprised us by giving us the opportunity to destroy Thanksgiving before we even get to celebrate it!

Unlike the other contenders Andrew seems to post mods a little more often, I can't wait to see what he has in plan for us in the future!

Honorable Mention

Well well well, as a staff member participating, I wasn't eligible to participate.

This mod I made features Lisa and her little adventure during the Thanksgiving day & a hearse hunt.

Taking you through Lisa's day, you get to help others with their tasks, or disappoint yourself while searching for the hearses. (They unlock a bonus mission if you enter how many of them are in the settings!)

You can find this mod here.

I kidnapped some of the other staff members and interrogated them; Here's what they said:


This mod impressed me and kept impressing me till the end. The missions were pretty fun but what impressed me the most was the features like Bart's argument with his parents in multiple dialog stages , a simple but elegant design for the front of the house and the cutscene thingy where the camera focused on Lisa as she was driving (that really impressed me a whole lot) the hearse hunt was a neat feature as well, I cheated on it because a certain pretty woman knew the answer but regardless a cool idea.

The dialogue was really jank at times (mostly with Lisa to be fair) But that's because Maz used an AI to do it.

The car was simple but actually really nice, the costume wasn't show accurate texture wise but looked good regardless.

The nerd in the nerd car looks great! I made it so I know what it looks like.

All in all an excellent mod with a lot of hard work and love put into it.

P.S.: I found Loren's hat.


Someone: "I was told to review this mod... I'm not in DANGER please DO not try to HELP ME."

With all this being said, our contest participants seemed to do the best they could, we had a nice time reviewing these at the Thanksgiving dinner!

Check them out on the Event Releases page</a> or the forum!

To the winners, y'all should hit up Loren at via the email attached to your Donut Team accounts so we can get your prizes to you.

If you do not want your prize, please let us know so we can give it to someone else. :)

Lastly, everyone who participated will get a special profile badge sometime soon. Stay tuned!

A Decompilable Legacy Release

After taking a bite of the turkey, someone at the table said: "Mmmm... this tastes like we should release a decompilable version of Donut Mod 3."

Loren then took his time thinking about the wise words and a decision was made. He tricked Kenny Giles into saying "Yes" (he was actually all for it, by the way) releasing this new version.

So here we have it, grab it now from the Donut Mod 3 release page!

The mod's code is also now available on GitHub!

Other things!

I'm not sure what Loren is doing right now, but I promise you he's probably doing something great! Just not as great as Loren's Change Runner, which you can use to run changes for the game with the family.

We hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving and we also hope you have Happy Holidays in the coming month!

Stay with us as we're going to have more stuff going on as Christmas is coming, I think I was hinted of some snow too.


This year's Thanksgiving, I am grateful of you reading my Tuesday Topics post and hope to see you all on the next ones as well!

- Maz from Donut Team

P.S: Borb thinks you should listen to this.