Forum topic replies
Borb has posted 133 times.
will there be new opportunities in SHaR MP?
Posted on (6 years ago)
You are correct to assume I was not referring to you. The link has been removed and the issue is resolved, but I request everyone keep in mind going forward that piracy discussion is not permitted. I also see that I have been sniped. What a shame.
will there be new opportunities in SHaR MP?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Piracy discussion is prohibited in the Community Guidelines. Seeing as that YouTube video you linked is a tutorial on how to pirate the game, said link has been removed.
Easter Mod 2 - Beta Testers Wanted
Posted on (6 years ago)
I added it to the original post as there was evidently at least one case of confusion, but I thought in order to be thorough I should repeat myself in a new post. This is not a "joke-post" and is in fact a legitimate call for testers.
We're looking for new Donut Bot introduction messages!
Posted on (6 years ago)
No coincidence, it's obviously cold-blooded thievery and we must now execute Jake. You may be wondering "why Jake", but that's just the way these things work.
We're looking for new Donut Bot introduction messages!
Posted on (6 years ago)
Could not welcome the user '{Username}'. Could not find file '/Meta.ini.' {Username} doesn't oppose violent video games. Time to use violence to show them the error of their ways. {Username} is in the server. I guess we're going to have to live with that. {Username} is here for the breakfast churros...
lucas launcher on mac?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions for using the Launcher on Mac, but it should be usable on Linux using Koopa's Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher Linux Launcher.
Removed Car Wreckage in Level 2
Posted on (6 years ago)
You've accomplished more with this mod than Quimby has during his entire tenure as mayor. Nice job.
Unable to set destination?
Posted on (6 years ago)
Everything looks fine, though I'm noting you didn't specify anything relating to a trigger inside the locator. Do you have one in there? I've just tested a locator without a trigger and it seems to align with the issue you're having. EDIT: If that is in fact the case, you'll want to copy a trigger f...
Storm Over Springfield (2.0)
Posted on (6 years ago)
That suggests that you don't have the Additional Characters framework installed. Download it from that page and unpack the ZIP file into your Mods folder. For more information regarding this framework, you can check the General Information thread.
image posting?
Posted on (6 years ago)
If you mean posting images within a forum post, you can already do that.