Forum topic replies
Weasel on a Stick has posted 70 times.
Sam & Max: Hit & Run - 0.5.5 (Farewell Release)
Posted on (2 months ago)
Bumping the thread for the 0.5.5 release (main post edited)
Lucas' Pure3D Editor Model XML Format Blender Add-on but I tweaked it to work with blender 2.9+ (now also supports 3.2.2+)
Posted on (2 years ago)
Thanks for pointing that out. I edited the link which now leads to a 3.2.2+ compatible version
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML skeleton converter
Posted on (2 years ago)
I don't have scarface to test this on, nor do I have plans to mod that game anyway. Feel free to adjust the source code of my tool to work for that game if you want (replacing chunk identifiers should work just fine, my tool isn't hard tied to joint names)
P3D Colour Key
Posted on (2 years ago)
This could be very useful for current "1920's" mod jam. I hope no one would mind me bumping this thread for the occasion
Mod Bakery Read-Only Alpha: Feedback & Suggestions [Alpha Update 2 Live]
Posted on (2 years ago)
Thank you Loren and Proddy for the answers and some cooperation in DMs! In regards to your question: Do you mean as just a general setting or on release pages that belong to you? I meant a setting for end users akin to light/dark themes. Oh, and I got a few more questions I forgot to ask the first t...
Mod Bakery Read-Only Alpha: Feedback & Suggestions [Alpha Update 2 Live]
Posted on (2 years ago)
Interesting idea, I hope this ModBakery won't be overwhelming/confusing for new SHAR modders and that it won't make forums obselete. Definitely excited to see it evolve! After a quick glance I got a few questions/suggestions that I think could improve ModBakery: Will we be able to filter out unrelea...
There should be a fully connected map for Annoy Squidward
Posted on (2 years ago)
That would be neat, don't get me wrong, but there are some unavoidable roadblocks: Annoy Squidward L3 is far from finished and its development is currently on hold. As far as I'm aware, tools used in creation of Fully Connected Map are not publicly available. (and I doubt they will be) Even if AS L3...
Sam & Max: Hit & Run - 0.5.5 (Farewell Release)
Posted on (3 years ago)
I try to reuse as much official game assets as possible for authenticity's sake. But original environemnt assets (buildings, streets, props, cars etc.) are limited so arrange and modify them to make up the map. If an asset is made from scratch I at least make it referencing something from the franch...
Sam & Max: Hit & Run - 0.5.5 (Farewell Release)
Posted on (3 years ago)
Sorry for the ~500 days delay, but here's finally a new update on the project! Map coming along nicely, especially with the help of recently released/remastered games' assets. Watch the update video for details and an invite to SMHR official discord server:
The Simpsons Hit & Run - Mod Jam #2 - Tropical Getaway [ANNOUNCED RESULTS]
Posted on (3 years ago)
Congratulations to winners! Really enjoyed playing through mod jam submissions (as well as making my own one) and results are pretty much the same as I predicted after playing the mods. "ruined by low poly map" sounded pretty rude :( And I really didn't expect other "non shar-ish, not fun" comments...