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Weasel on a Stick has posted 70 times.
The Simpsons: DefaultDance And Run 🕺🕺💃💃🕺🏽🕺🕺
Posted on (4 years ago)
Huge thanks to Surreal Bot for improving my animation! Uploaded version 2.0 with much better quality animation. Here's a comparison:
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML animation converter (Custom Animations!)
Posted on (4 years ago)
New in 1.6: fixed rotation interpolation that caused some single-frame glitches added support for blender's default auto-keying (LocRotScale) Also edited the post to include some tips for better results
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML animation converter (Custom Animations!)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Added support for 2.79
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML skeleton converter
Posted on (4 years ago)
Added support for Blender 2.79 You can now install the same .py file on both 2.8 and 2.79!
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML skeleton converter
Posted on (4 years ago)
Added instructions on how to fix arm bones when using "X mirror"
Blender 2.8X/2.79: Pure3DXML skeleton converter
Posted on (4 years ago)
Stop making so many tools. You're practically rigging the upvote system in your favor. I hate that so much. have an upvote
Blender 2.8+ Weasel's Collision Editor
Posted on (4 years ago)
Completely rewrote the tool to use .p3dxml files instead of JSON workaround. Now it only requires the SPG_P3DXML_28/ script file to function. I highly recommend you use the 0.2.0 version as it's also been internally optimized
Lucas' Pure3D Editor Model XML Format Blender Add-on 1.1.3 is now available
Posted on (4 years ago)
built-in Blender scripting templates showcase how to add these missing tooltips