Forum topic replies
Sparrow has posted 60 times.
The Bus Stop Mod
Posted on (4 years ago)
This is the best April fools mod to come out this year tbh. Good job
A Christmas In Springfield
Posted on (6 years ago)
So while I haven't been able to do the huge amount of work I wanted to put into this, after many requests I have made a fixer update. This should fix some of the major bugs such as missions being unplayable. Download in original post.
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (6 years ago)
Update: I found a backup of 0.32 from last year which is more stable than the version up this morning. Enjoy.
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (6 years ago)
I am aware of many of these issues already, the reason this mod is unstable is because it was originally a closed beta build (as you can see on the license screen and above the download link which I have now taken down) and I accidentally deleted the public build. Many of the glitches and bugs have...
[CLOSED] Storm Over Springfield - Beta Testers Wanted!
Posted on (6 years ago)
Sure. I'll bring some lamb sauce.
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (6 years ago)
Thanks for the report! I believe that crash for M4 is fixed in the DEV version. Due to this being a closed beta version that was used (as the original beta was lost), SR2 and 3 are not finished yet. Thanks again. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (6 years ago)
Could you tell me which mission? I've done a lot of fixes on the current developer version but just in case it's one I haven't spotted this info would be gold, thanks!
A Christmas In Springfield
Posted on (6 years ago)
Those who have the mod still, feel free to keep reporting bugs here. I've taken the mod down until further notice until I've fixed the crashing so hang tight until December for re-release.
Submit an advertisement of your own mod(s) for my Metal & Scrap Coliseum map!
Posted on (6 years ago)
Oh sweet, sure I'll do one.
April 2018 Test Server: Closed - Submit all feedback here
Posted on (6 years ago)
Colou mentioned this issue that he had on discord but I'm getting it so I'll report it. It keeps triggering to open the bit off to the side (with the forum boards, etc) When I scroll it triggers it, not sure if I just scroll way to close to the side. Anyway, phone info: Xperia XA, using Chrome