Forum topic replies
Sparrow has posted 60 times.
Donut Mod 4: Community Billboard Submissions
Posted on (7 years ago)
One of mine so far, enjoy the level of detail I couldn't help but go into.
A Christmas In Springfield
Posted on (7 years ago)
Thank you all for the support during the making and release of this mod! I'm hoping to get a fixer update out either today or tomorrow to fix any bugs that I didn't notice during the release.
DM 4 news???
Posted on (7 years ago)
Bit rude. I wouldn't rush them. Would you prefer a polished, completely finished version of DM4 or would you prefer to just have some rush job? Donut Mod isn't just something they can throw out, it is legitimately something I think that is impressive as hell, considering it took me near enough 2 mon...
A Christmas In Springfield
Posted on (7 years ago)
I'm gonna give a small update that there may be a tiny delay until the 22nd if I can't get everything done within the next 3 days. Thanks all.
Help with bonus cars
Posted on (7 years ago)
If I'm correct, the Pure3D editor needs it for quite a few features, so I'd say yes, you will need it.
Help with bonus cars
Posted on (7 years ago)
Hey, don't worry, your English seems fine to me. Let's start. First, you'll want to get change the current bonus car. Depending on which level you're using they're in a different region file. Region files being these things. I'm going to use level 1 as an example. Copy over the file from \art The fi...
Housewife Duties - Dev continuing 2022 probably
Posted on (7 years ago)
Just an update on the mod for those wondering: It is still in development. I am working on it when I can and it is going pretty smoothly. I'm awaiting on separate assets to complete it but to let you know, I hope to release it by the end of this year. When the next release comes out, it should be 1....
MCCM on multiplayer session list
Posted on (7 years ago)
It's a mod that someone is making and is in closed beta. He's only given it out to so many people at the moment.
Homer's Adventure 2.0 - -> DISCONTINUED <-
Posted on (7 years ago)
I hope he gets better! That's awful news :(