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Addy has posted 734 times.
Missions Not Loading
Posted on (4 years ago)
You need to launch from the Multiplayer launcher by the way.
Missions Not Loading
Posted on (4 years ago)
You and your friend with both need copies of the game, along with installations of the Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Multiplayer launcher. I believe the regular launcher is also required but I could be wrong. Both players need to open the launcher, complete any setup needed, and then launch with the sam...
Missions Not Loading
Posted on (4 years ago)
The regular launcher is linked in my post above. Or, for convenience:
Missions Not Loading
Posted on (4 years ago)
men, only appears this User, Gameplay, Interface, Mutators, Keys, Server That's the Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Multiplayer Launcher, not the regular game launcher. You can't play missions or spawn level items such as Wasp Cameras in The Simpsons: Hit & Run Multiplayer.
Random modding feedback/wishlist/suggestions thread
Posted on (4 years ago)
Make the game work properly. That is all. These are mainly more casual suggestions. A hack to disable the game completion screen on the Scrapbook. A hack to allow movie skipping regardless of if the movie has been previously seen on the loaded save data. A hack to enable/disable the game's various c...
The Time of Day, Afternoon and Night (MOD)
Posted on (4 years ago)
Level 7 with the level 6 skybox looks good... might want to do something about vehicle headlights being enabled on levels where it is now daytime, though.
how do you show fps in shar thru mod launcher
Posted on (4 years ago)
You can't display the game's framerate via Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher.
Hello guys
Posted on (4 years ago)
The legend returns! Good to have you back, even if I wasn't here when you originally were.
SHAR: Debug Mode
Posted on (4 years ago)
What debug mode? There are some features to mess around with from the "Debug Test" hack (accessible on the "Developer" tab of Lucas' Simpsons Hit & Run Mod Launcher) but that's it.
The secret area of Simpsons hit & run
Posted on (4 years ago)
As MAFFY said, that's merely an unfinished area that the player isn't supposed to be able to visit, nothing secretive. The voice clip was likely intended to be an audio trigger there (there's another partially implemented sound at the door to Mr. Burns' mansion). Also, this post appears to imply tha...