Forum topic replies
Addy has posted 734 times.
new marge hair style
Posted on (3 years ago)
This is very untrue and there's only been one instance in the community where a mod was made for a reward.
Multiple discs with PC version
Posted on (3 years ago)
To spread the data out for installation, as one disc wouldn't have enough space for everything.
Con modifier
Posted on (4 years ago)
Very useful and convenient in case you don't want to create a basic mod to edit the files with.
Simpsons Hit & Run Promotional Hat?
Posted on (4 years ago)
They appear to have been very rare promotional items, likely given out around the time of release. There are a few other items like this, such as a air freshener and a VHS tape.
SHAR Tweaked 1.02 (Difficulty modes, improved progression, and tons of fixes).
Posted on (4 years ago)
This looks interesting. Donuts of Steel here I come...
It would be nice to have either a dedicated page or a section in the Downloads page for community created mods and additions
Posted on (4 years ago)
Perhaps the Flair Filter can provide what you are looking for? It has options for filters such as "Released" and "Beta Release".
Posted on (4 years ago)
You enable it and tweak the settings as you wish (settings menu can be accessed via a right-click context menu choice or by selecting the mod and clicking the "Mod Settings" box displayed with all the other information).