Forum topic replies
Loren has posted 759 times.
The SImpsons Hit & Run Vita Port - Moddable?
Posted on (8 months ago)
We have no interest in developing equivalent tools for any console version of the game, official or otherwise. It is already an enormous time sink to develop what we do for the PC version and we don't really see any benefits to porting these tools elsewhere. The PC version of SHAR is very readily av...
Donut mod 4 level 3
Posted on (8 months ago)
It is coming, we posted a development update about it just a couple days ago.
L3 M5 - Can't Complete It, Even With Cheats
Posted on (8 months ago)
PC mods are out of the question here because I play via PCSX2. Out of curiosity, why? The PC version is just better.
Everything you wanted in a Simpsons game right in your face! The Simpsons H&R - Arkeus Edition
Posted on (8 months ago)
I am confused what the purpose of posting about a project like this is when you have literally nothing to show for it.
The Simpsons Hit and Run Public Mod License, version 1.1 (SHAR-PML)
Posted on (10 months ago)
What exactly are your compelling reasons for using this over established and definitely legally sound licenses like GPL or MIT? I really do not get it.
Posted on (1 year ago)
We became good by just doing it and learning over the course of a long period of time. Like anything, it takes time.
I can't use Lucas' Radcore Cement Library Builder 1.0
Posted on (1 year ago)
Did you bump this because you still need help?
New laptop new peoblems
Posted on (1 year ago)
Can you please share a screenshot of the game's folder? Where the "Simpsons.exe" is located. Edit: You can click "Open..." then "Game Install" on the bottom left of the Mod Launcher window to get there easily.
New laptop new peoblems
Posted on (1 year ago)
I think this might be a known issue we intend to address but I'd have to talk to Lucas to double check. If you do decide to go with Linux, though, then you can run the Mod Launcher and the game quite easily with Wine or Proton.