Forum topic replies
Loren has posted 762 times.
How does the Car Renamer tool work?
Posted on (3 years ago)
That tool is a legacy tool for renaming the internal names of cars (such as "famil_v" which is the internal name of the "Family Sedan") and its functionality has since been integrated into the Pure3D Editor (hence it's legacy status). To accomplish what you're trying to do, I suggest looking into ma...
Donut Team: Tuesday Topics #1
Posted on (3 years ago)
Some updates: I went ahead and went with this approach for the time being. I've gone ahead and reworked the Community Releases page to have more categories for mods among some other improvements to.
Donut Team: Tuesday Topics #1
Posted on (3 years ago)
For now, I'm thinking of replacing the "Mod Resources" and "Games" links with one link to this page instead. Alternatively, I'm also thinking of moving the Mods/Tools/Mod Resources/Games links to the forum sidebar to declutter the navbar. I'd be interested to hear what you think of these proposals....
Donut Team Web Services: Going Forward (Changes now live!)
Posted on (3 years ago)
There are no changes to the forum, which houses all user accounts, besides it moving to a subdomain so yes, technically they will.
How's Lucas Cardellini? Is he still around?
Posted on (3 years ago)
His hosting provider force updated the PHP version his website uses which broke it as the code doesn't work properly anymore.
How's Lucas Cardellini? Is he still around?
Posted on (3 years ago)
Yes, he is still around and working on the Mod Launcher.
Green Ham 0.0.6 public alpha demo
Posted on (3 years ago)
Probably the coolest thing I've seen in quite some time. 👍
3D Phone Booth Previews has a visual bug.
Posted on (3 years ago)
Yeah, this issue can be corrected by a mod that fixes the files located at art\frontend\dynaload\cars. I think this has been done before on at least one occasion though I'm not positive where one might find it right now.
Bumper cars! by maz
Posted on (3 years ago)
Get this beautiful vehicle from Gil in level 1 for 0 coins! Hot diggity dog, that's a low price!