Forum topic replies
mazzy has posted 578 times.
Back after a hiatus.
Posted on (1 year ago)
I read this but only replied in my mind, I was too tired. Welcome back & I hope you manage to have some fun with the mods that are now around!
Is there any way to activate all mods without any conflicts?
Posted on (1 year ago)
To avoid explaining it again, below is my reply on a similar post. What you have to do is create a "CommandLine.txt" file inside of your Mod Launcher directory & type one (or both if you want) of the two following commands in it: -allowignoremodconflicts -ignorelaunchmodconflicts (If you're interest...
Old P3D editor?
Posted on (1 year ago)
Hello there, welcome! You can download the old version from the Mod Bakery.
Simpsons Hit and Run Media Error
Posted on (2 years ago)
Getting it from Amazon would be your best luck.
Coconut Mall, Mario kart map mod - v1.0
Posted on (2 years ago)
Why do you keep posting good mods? :fas-arrow-circle-up:
Simpsons Hit and Run Media Error
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hello there! From the install verifier log, it appears that your copy of the game has a bunch of missing files and a bunch of mismatches. It also looks like you're using a "preinstalled" crack, which I would not recommend. Best thing you could do would be to reinstall the game properly. I hope this...
Is there any way to fix the file 'sound\scripts\car_tune.spt?
Posted on (2 years ago)
"No" is your option then.
Is there any way to fix the file 'sound\scripts\car_tune.spt?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi, sorry to get back to you late. You can simply click "Ok" to ignore that error & proceed to launch the game. In most cases, it should allow both mods to run at the same time.
Is there any way to fix the file 'sound\scripts\car_tune.spt?
Posted on (2 years ago)
Hi there, welcome! You could either decompile the mods (if decompilable) & merge their files into a single one, or set up the following Command Line Argument in your mod launcher's directory; -allowignoremodconflicts